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American antelope (pronghorn)
Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
Bighorn sheeps (Ovis canadensis)
Camp fires
Conservation of natural resources
Estes Park, Colorado, USA
Extreme weather (lightning, rainstorm...)
Forest fires
Goat (Rocky Mountains Goat)
Great Plains
Lily lake near Estes Park, Colorado
Pikes Peak (Pike's Peak), Colorado
Longs Peak (Long's Peak), Colorado
Lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta)
Western yellow pines (Pinus ponderosa)
Plains and Prairies
Prairie dogs
Rocky Mountains
Rocky Mountains National Park
Watching animals
Water ouzels (american dipper, Cinclus mexicanus)

Notable People
Enos A. Mills
Harriet Peters
Scotch the dog

Time Period
End of 19th century
Beginning of the 20th century

American antelope (pronghorn)

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories, including Camper dans les Plaines (Camping on the Plains) with antelopes.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories about dogs, beavers, woodpeckers horses, squirrels, grizzly bears and black bears, deers, bighorn sheeps, chipmunks, coyotes, antelopes and prairie dogs.
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills watched beaver colonies for 25 years.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters La nature sans arme (The wilds without firearms), Le castor et ses ouvrages (The Beaver and his works), L'ours noir un grand clown (The black bear - comedian), Midget le cheval de retour (Midget the return horse), Le fidèle Scotch (Faithful Scotch), Bob et d'autres oiseaux (Bob and other birds), Attendre dans la nature (Waiting in the wilderness), Les animaux en hiver (Winter ways of animals), Sur la piste des animaux sauvages (On wild life trails), Le lion des montagnes (The mountain lion), La zone arctique de haute montagne (The arctic zone of high mountains), Les mouflons sauvages (Wild moutain sheep), La chèvre des Montagnes Rocheuses (The Rocky Mountain Goat), Quand les animaux jouent (Plays and Pranks of wild folk), La loutre s'amuse (The otter plays on), Le pika au sommet du monde (The haymaker of the heights), A la rencontre de M. et Mme Mouffette (Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Skunk).

Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Le raisin d'ours (Kinnikinick) in which Enos A. Mills studies this shrub and explains why it is a "pionner" plant. The bearberry is the first plant to grow back on barren areas.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Assiégés par les ours (Besieged by bears), L'ours grizzly (The grizzly bear) about grizzlies (Ursus arctos horribilis), L'ours noir joyeux et insouciant (The happy-go-lucky black bear) about black bears (Ursus americanus) and Pister un grizzly sans arme (Trailing a grizzly bear without a gun).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter L'ours noir, un grand clown (The black bear - comedian).


Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : french translation of In beaver world. The author watched beavers for more than 25 years.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of nature and animals stories including les castors pionniers (Beaver pioneers) about beavers making their home in a lake and Voyager avec un castor (Travelling with a beaver) about Diver the beaver who liked travelling with Enos and a horse.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Le castor et ses ouvrages (The Beaver and his works) in which the author watches beavers and how beavers help regulate streams with their dams, how beavers manage their natural resources and help protect environment and soil from erosion.

Bighorn sheeps (Ovis canadensis)

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and nature stories including Le mouflon dans la neige (The bighorn in the snow). He watches bighorn sheeps and tells of how one day a bighorn sheep comes down the mountain to his cabin to visit him.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Les mouflons sauvages (Wild mountain sheep).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Docteur Pic, chirurgien des arbres (Dr. Woodpecker, tree surgeon).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters Bob et d'autres oiseaux (Bob and some other birds), Attendre dans la nature (Waiting in the wilderness), La zone arctique de haute montagne (The arctic zone of high mountains).

Camp fires

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and natures stories in which Enos A. Mills mentions a few camp fires.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Parcs de montagne et feux de camp (Mountain parks and camp fires) in which Enos A. Mills tells of a few memorable camp fires.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and natures stories including Les tamias de mon jardin (My chipmunk callers). Enos A. Mills watches the chipmunks which have their territory in his yard and he gives them peanuts.

Colorado, United States

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer).
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read how beavers built a house in Estes Park, Colorado and what their life was like.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : book about wild life on the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. The author tells about animals, trees and nature. Also see chapter Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer).

Conservation of natural resources

Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read how beavers are the original conservationists and read how beavers help "conserve" soil and protect nature and animals.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Le castor et ses ouvrages (The Beaver and his works) in which the author watches beavers and how beavers help regulate streams with their dams, how beavers manage their natural resources and help protect environment and soil from erosion.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and nature stories including L'histoire de Scotch le chien (The story of Scotch the dog) in which Enos A. Mills tells how his dog drove back coyotes wandering in their yard and Le coyote, clown des prairies (The coyote, clown of the prairies) in which Enos A. Mills watches how coyotes live and play, how they live among men.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Le fidèle Scotch (Faithful Scotch) and read how Scotch the dog drives back coyotes wandering in the yard.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : read about how deer live during winter in Dévaler le toit du monde (Coasting off the roof of the world) and Dans les neiges de l'hiver (In the winter snows).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : read about Un border collie dans le désert (A Collie in the Desertà, a dog living with coyotes in the desert.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : read about the great story of his dog Scotch and other dog stories : Joe le chien et Bill McClain le prospecteur (Joe the dog and Bill McClain the prospector), Un border collie dans le désert (A collie in the desert), Rob des Rocheuses (Rob of the Rockies).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Le fidèle Scotch (Faithful Scotch) in which the author tells how his dog Scotch managed to drive back coyotes wandering near their cabin. See chapter Bob et d'autres oiseaux (Bob and other birds) about the friendship between Rex the dog and Bob the quail.


Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read about how beavers live and survive during drought in Sécheresse dans le monde des castors (Drought in beaver world).

Estes Park, Colorado, United States

Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills spent most of his life in Estes Park. He built his cabin when he was 16 years old and he later built the Longs Peak Inn. Enos A. Mills talks about Estes Park in a number of his stories.

Books :
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read the story about beaver pioneers who established a house near Estes Park.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including l'histoire de Scotch le chien (the story of Scotch) about adventures Enos and his dog Scotch lived near Estes Park in Colorado.

Extreme weather (lightning, rainstorm...)

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and nature stories including Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer), Le vent de Chinook (The Chinook Wind), and L'histoire de Scotch le chien (The story of Scotch the dog) in which Enos A. Mills faces a storm on the Continental Divine and on the summit of mountains.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters Face aux avalanches (Associating with snow-slides), Le monstre blanc (The white cyclone).


Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter La nature sans arme (The Wilds without firearms) in which the author explains why it is more pleasing to travel without firearms and how landscapes change when you don't carry a weapon. He tells of his adventure without firearm when he faces two wolves ready to hurl themselves upon him.


Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills was a naturalist, mountain guide, photographer. He wrote many stories about his experiences in the forest.

Books :
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read how beavers manage their forest and cut trees, willows, aspens...
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and tree stories including l'histoire d'un pin millénaire (the story of a thousand-year pine) and Docteur Pic, chirurgien des arbres (Dr. Woodpecker, tree surgeon).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapters Les forêts des Montagnes Rocheuses (Rocky Mountain Forests), Le raisin d'ours (Kinnikinick), Le pin tordu (The lodegepole pine), Une histoire de graines (The fate of a tree seed), Aux confins de la forêt (The forest frontier).

Forest fires

Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read how a beaver colony survived a forest fire.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of nature and animal stories. Enos A. Mills explains why he wants to protect forest and habitat of wild animals from fire in chapter Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Le pin tordu (The lodgepole pine) to find out how lodgepole pines need fire to open up their cones so their seeds come to life. See chapter Le raisin d'ours (Kinnikinick) to read how this shrub is the first one to come back on barren areas after fire destruction.

Goat (Rocky Mountains Goat)

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter La chèvre des Montagnes Rocheuses (The Rocky Mountains Goat).

Great Plains of America

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Camper dans les Plaines (Camping on the Plains).
See also subject Plains and Prairies : Plains and Prairies


See subject bears : Bears


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Midget, le cheval de retour (Midget, the return horse) and Cricket le cheval de montagne (Cricket a mountain pony).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Midget, le cheval de retour (Midget, the return horse).


See subject Bearberry : Bearberry.

Lily lake near Estes Park, Colorado

Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read about how a beaver colony built a house in the Lily lake.

Longs Peak (Long's Peak), Colorado

Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Naturalist, mountain guide, photographer, Enos A. Mills wrote many stories about his experiences in the mountains and climbing up the Longs Peak. He climbs up the Longs Peak for the first time at age 15.

Books :
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Gravir le pic Longs (Climbing Long's Peak) in which the author guides a eight years old girl up to the summit of the Long's Peak.


Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills, writer, naturalist, photographer, mountain guide spent his life walking in nature and mountains. He spent most of his life in Colorado traveling the Rocky Mountains and he wrote many stories about the Rocky mountains.

Books :
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of short stories about animals and mountain including Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer), Dévaler le toit du monde (Coasting off the roof of the world), and le mouflon dans la neige (Bighorn in the snow).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : book about wild life on the Rocky Mountains, nature, how birds, animals and trees live on the mountains and face winds and storms.


Authors :
Enos A. Mills Enos A. Mills was a naturalist and mountain guide. He wrote many stories about nature, life of animals, birds and trees, his experiences in nature, in forest, in the mountains, about animals he watched...

Books :
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills watched beavers in nature and wrote about them.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and nature stories.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : book about wild life on the Rockies, nature, how birds, animals and trees live on the mountains and face winds and storms.

Pikes Peak (Pike's Peak), Colorado

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Pikes, un pic face aux plaines (A peak by the plains).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including L'histoire d'un pin millénaire (the story of a thousand-year pine).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Le pin tordu (The lodgepole pine).

Lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta)

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Le pin tordu (The Lodgepole Pine) in which he tells of how lodgepole pines grow and live and how their seeds need fire to come to life.

Western yellow pines (Pinus ponderosa)

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : chapter L'histoire d'un pin millénaire (the story of a thousand-year pine) in which the author tries to figure out the life a thousand year western yellow pine has lived.


Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read about how beaver pioneers migrate.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage d'Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including les castors pionniers (Beaver pioneers).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters Le raisin d'ours (Kinnikinick), a pioneer plant because it's the first one to recolonize barren slopes or mountain sides (because of forest fires) and Points de repère (Landmarks) in which the author builds his own cabin.

Plains and Prairies

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Camper dans les Plaines (Camping on the Plains).
See also subject Great Plains of America : Great Plains

Prairie dogs

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : see chapter Camper dans les Plaines (Camping on the Plains) with Enos A. Mills watching prairie dogs on the Great Plains.

Rocky Mountains

Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Writer, naturalist, photographer, mountain guide, Enos A. Mills spent his life walking in nature and mountains. He spent most of his life in Colorado traveling the Rocky Mountains and he wrote many stories about the Rocky mountains.

Books :
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : book about wild life on the Rokcy mountains, life of animals, birds, plants, how trees grow despite winds and storms.

Rocky Mountain National Park

Authors :
Enos A. Mills : naturalist, writer, guide, photographer, Enos A. Mills helped establishing the Rocky Mountains national park. He wanted to protect nature, forest, animals and their habitats.

Books :
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : we see wild life on the Rockies through the eyes of the author. See Chapter Parcs de montagne et feux de camp (Mountain parks and camp fires).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer), Dévaler le toit du monde (Coasting off the roof of the world), Dans les neiges de l'hiver (In the winter snows), Les avalanches du début jusqu'à la fin (Snowslides from start to finish) and le mouflon dans la neige (The bighorn in the snow).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters Face aux avalanches (Associating with snow-slides), Les animaux en hiver (Winter ways of animals), Le monstre blanc (The white cyclone), Voyager dans la montagne en hiver (Winter mountaineering).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Observateur des neiges du Colorado (Colorado Snow Observer) and Les avalanches du début jusqu'à la fin (Snowslides from start to finish).
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters Face aux avalanches (Associating with snow-slides), Le monstre blanc (The white cyclone).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of short stories including L'histoire d'un pin millénaire (The Story of a Thousand-Year Pine) in which a Fremont squirrel is not at all happy when two loggers come cutting his tree, Petite créature à fourrure (A midget in fur) about Fremont squirrels and the squirrels Enos meets, and Les tamias de mon jardin (My Chipmunk Callers) in which Enos A. Mills tells about the chipmunks who live near his cabin. Chipmunks are small creatures who look like tiny squirrels.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : Chapter Gravir le pic Longs (Climbing Long's Peak) in which Enos A. Mills explains how Douglas squirrels store cones for winter food and how they help plant trees by leaving their uneaten cones in the ground.


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage d'Enos A. Mills : collection of animal and tree stories including l'histoire d'un pin millénaire (the story of a thousand-year pine) and Docteur Pic, chirurgien des arbres (Dr. Woodpecker, tree surgeon).
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : read how beavers cut trees for food.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapters Les forêts des Montagnes Rocheuses (Rocky Mountain Forests), Le raisin d'ours (Kinnikinick), Le pin tordu (The lodegepole pine), Une histoire de graines (The fate of a tree seed), Aux confins de la forêt (The forest frontier).

Watching animals

Authors :
Enos A. Mills : Writer, naturalist, photographer, mountain guide, Enos A. Mills spent his life watching wild animals. He wrote great stories about his experiences watching animals or walking in the forest, the nature and the mountains.

Books :
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills watched beaver colonies for more than 25 years.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories about the animals Enos A. Mills watched in the nature. The book contains stories about his dog Scotch, woodpeckers, beavers, bighorn sheeps, chipmunks, bears, grizzlis, coyotes, squirrels, horses, antelopes, prairie dogs, deer...
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : see chapters La nature sans arme (The wilds without firearms), Le castor et ses ouvrages (The Beaver and his works), L'ours noir un grand clown (The black bear - comedian), Midget le cheval de retour (Midget the return horse), Le fidèle Scotch (Faithful Scotch), Bob et d'autres oiseaux (Bob and other birds), Attendre dans la nature (Waiting in the wilderness), Les animaux en hiver (Winter ways of animals), Sur la piste des animaux sauvages (On wild life trails), Le lion des montagnes (The mountain lion), La zone arctique de haute montagne (The arctic zone of high mountains), Les mouflons sauvages (Wild moutain sheep), La chèvre des Montagnes Rocheuses (The Rocky Mountain Goat), Quand les animaux jouent (Plays and Pranks of wild folk), La loutre s'amuse (The otter plays on), Le pika au sommet du monde (The haymaker of the heights), A la rencontre de M. et Mme Mouffette (Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Skunk).

Water ouzels (american dippers, Cinclus mexicanus)

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : Chapter Gravir le pic Longs (Climbing Longs Peak) and Bob et d'autres oiseaux (Bob and other birds) in which Enos A. Mills describes water ouzels.


Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : Chapter La nature sans arme (the Wilds without firearms), Enos A. Mills tells of his adventure when he faced two angry wolves in the woods. Beginning of chapter Quand les animaux jouent (Plays and pranks of wild folk).


L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of animal stories including Docteur Pic, chirurgien des arbres (Dr. Woodpecker, tree surgeon). Chapter Attendre dans la nature (Waiting in the wilderness).

Notable People :

Enos A. Mills

Enos A. Mills : Writer, naturalist, photographer, mountain guide, Enos A. Mills spent his life walking in nature and mountains. He wrote books about animals, nature, the Rocky mountains, forest and watching animals in the wild.
Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : book about beavers. Enos A. Mills watched beavers for more than 25 years. How do beavers build their home ? Why do they build dams ? Why do they need a pond ? How to they manage their natural resources ? What about their migrations, their plays...
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of several stories about his dog Scotch and several animals like chipmunks, bighorn sheeps, bears, woodpeckers, horses and also trees. Enos A. Mills tells how he travels alone on the mountains or in the woods to measure snow or watch animals and trees.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : true stories about how men, animals, plants and trees live on the Rocky Mountains at the beginning of the 20th century.

Harriet Peters

Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Gravir le pic Longs (Climbing Long's Peak), Enos A. Mills tells of this great day when he goes climbing Long's Peak with Harriet Peters, an eight years old girl. In 1905, Harriet Peters became the youngest person who climbed Longs Peak.

Scotch, Enos A. Mills' dog

L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of stories, including L'histoire de Scotch le chien (The Story of Scotch). Scotch was Enos A. Mills' dog. Scotch was a border collie who traveled with Enos A. Mills. They spent many days and nights together on the mountains and in the woods. Scotch liked to play football, he prevented forest fires from starting, saved his master's life, traveled on the mountains when there was a storm...
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : chapter Le fidèle Scotch (Faithful Scotch), Enos A. Mills tells of his dog Scotch who manages to drive back a pack of coyotes near their cabin. Scotch also saves the life of young woman when they both go climbing Longs Peak.

Time Period :

End of the 19th century

Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills spent his life watching wild animals and beavers between 1880 and 1920.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of stories between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills tells of how life is on the Rocky Mountains, how men, animals and plants live between 1880 and 1920.

Beginning of the 20th century

Dans le monde des castors by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills spent his life watching wild animals and beavers between 1880 and 1920.
L'histoire de Scotch le chien et autres récits de la vie sauvage by Enos A. Mills : collection of stories between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
Vie sauvage sur les Rocheuses by Enos A. Mills : Enos A. Mills tells of how life is on the Rocky Mountains, how men, animals and plants live between 1880 and 1920.